Portrait Photography Tips for Staff Photos

At some point in your career as a marketer or advertiser, you will need to take photographs of people at your company. It could be for your website, at an event, for your annual report or corporate brochure.

A good portrait will contain at least one element that reveals the person’s personality, attitude, unique mannerisms or any other features or traits that form the individual nature of the person. It will tell us something about the subject.

The following are some tips to consider when taking portrait photography for work.

1. Lighting
Use soft, diffused lighting – cloudy-day lighting or indirect window light is perfect, such as a large north-facing window. This type of lighting will help to reveal your subject’s features in a flattering way. You should also try to avoid harsh shadows.

2. Background
Keep the background simple to avoid distracting elements. Pick an appropriate background that will not wash out your subject’s features. Your goal is to achieve a distinction or contrast between the person and the background. Having the background out of focus is another technique to use that can soften and enhance the focal point of the subject.

3. In Close or Full Figure
Move in close for an above-the-waist or head-and-shoulders composition. For a less traditional approach, move back to show the entire figure. Take a few of these different positions; this will give you a few options to choose from when making your final selection as to what photo to use.

4. Perspective
For a traditional effect, position your camera at or slightly below your subject’s eye level. For a more dramatic effect, try an unusual angle or perspective.

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