Careful Spending Should Be Your Norm

During soft economic times, customers are more cautious, value-conscious and cost driven. They engage in more product and services comparisons before purchasing. Bringing them fresh ideas can be one of your key retention strategies. If you don’t, your competitors will.

Marketing leaders owe it to their company to make sure marketing investments are focused on realistic goals and mechanisms for achieving them. It’s important to maintain connections with past and prospective customers throughout all economic cycles – ups and downs.

Energizing your customers – getting them charged up and talking about your products or services – should be done consistently in any economic condition. Determine what your customers are looking for and focus your attention there, such as engaging customers online with great content and experiences.

There’s a lot of negativity about the state of the market right now. All markets fluctuate. Economic cycles come and go. But retreating in your marketing efforts is a huge error. The challenge is how to leverage your brand and connect with your customers. Your top priority is to invest time in putting together a powerful and flexible marketing strategy and plan that you can focus on, follow and carry out.

Marketing Plans Require an Opportunity Analysis

Before doing your next marketing plan, you need to do an opportunity analysis. The analysis will help you lay the foundation for your marketing and communications activities.

If your primary target is the consumer market, think about how they are distinguished by demographics, income and other preference variables. If your primary focus is on business markets, understanding customer end-users’ characteristics is important.

No matter who your customers are, you need to ask yourself these questions. Why do people buy from your company instead of competitors? What benefits do you offer, at what price and to whom? Think about specific features and benefits you offer. What specific market segments can you reach that are not currently being addressed well by competitors? And, how does your marketing and communications mix compare to others?

Successful marketing and communication efforts result from careful strategic analysis and comprehensive planning.