The Skinny on … Your Unique Value

The Skinny On...

Why is your company different? What sets you apart? How are you different from your competition? Once stated, can your claim be backed up?

You need to be able to answer these questions to have a powerful positioning statement that will entice a prospect or customer to deal with your company.

You need to excite your prospects and customers with a distinctive statement that is the real benefit value of your company, services or products.

Clearly work out why you are different and demonstrate this value to your customers in as few words as possible. You need to consistently use this unique value proposition in your marketing and networking.

Want to Capture Customer Loyalty?

Customer loyalty and commitment is the key to success in today’s competitive environment. Your brand strategies need to be relevant, have a differentiated offer and reflect values that are credible and believable. This is only achievable by ensuring consistency in product and service quality with your brand promise.

An effective branding strategy creates the kind of loyalty that leaves customers indifferent to the advertising and marketing factors of your competitors.

Your branding strategy will be more successful if you closely target your market. Focus on getting your company name and advertising in front of your current customers and best potential customers.